"Для разработчиков", "Серверные скрипты", "Описание функций", "Строки", "TStringList", "Свойства", "Sorted".
Включить или выключить сортировку по алфавиту списка строк.
property TStringList.Sorted: boolean;
True — если список нужно сортировать, False — если нет.
DATA = 'Year one was lots of fun'#13#10 +
'But nothin'' lasts forever in my dreams'#13#10 +
'Two, I followed you'#13#10 +
'Because you knew the way or so it seemed'#13#10 +
'At three, I still believed'#13#10 +
'That we would be becoming destiny'#13#10 +
'At four l wanted more'#13#10 +
'But you were movin'' on to better things';
SL: TStringList;
SL := TStringList.Create;
SL.Text := DATA;
mLogScript(CRLF + SL.Text, 'unsorted');
SL.Sorted := true;
mLogScript(CRLF + SL.Text, 'sorted');
[23:57:16] (Log "SortedProperty"): [unsorted]
Year one was lots of fun
But nothin' lasts forever in my dreams
Two, I followed you
Because you knew the way or so it seemed
At three, I still believed
That we would be becoming destiny
At four l wanted more
But you were movin' on to better things
[23:57:16] (Log "SortedProperty"): [sorted]
At four l wanted more
At three, I still believed
Because you knew the way or so it seemed
But nothin' lasts forever in my dreams
But you were movin' on to better things
That we would be becoming destiny
Two, I followed you
Year one was lots of fun
[23:57:16] (Run "SortedProperty"): Время выполнения скрипта: 5 мс
[23:57:16] (Run "SortedProperty"): Скрипт выполнен успешно.